Thank you so very much for your faithfulness in praying for the ministry of CEF® of WV. As we begin to navigate through this school year, we are already experiencing some ups and downs, stops and goes. Please pray earnestly for God’s wisdom and leadership to deal with these changes. We would love to have routine, but it is not looking at this time to be the case.
How the children need to hear about the Lord Jesus Christ, for salvation and that He never changes, “the same yesterday, today and forever.” There is consistency in Him. To those of us who have trusted Him for salvation, He is a ROCK!
Please note the praises and prayer requests below and share praise with God for what He has done and ask Him for the needs listed below. Thank you again for your prayers.
Your Missionaries to the Unreached Children of WV
Harry & Lydia Boekell
Praise God for:
- The many boys and girls who have trusted Christ for salvation in our ministry year, Sept., 20 – Aug., 21.
- The many volunteer teachers & workers who reached out to the children for Christ.
- The technology God has provided to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to the children.
- The printed CEF literature available to give to the children proclaiming Jesus Christ.
- The individuals trained to evangelize boys and girls for Christ.
- The churches and individuals interested in starting After School Good News Club® ministry.
- The churches and individuals who are financial partners with this ministry.
Ask God to:
- Lead the children who were saved this ministry year & their families to good Bible believing churches.
- Help each local CEF Director to have much wisdom in how to reach out to the children this fall.
- Provide the local churches & workers to help reach the children for Christ this fall.
- Guide each local CEF Director to know how to best use the printed CEF literature and virtual tools to reach out to the children for Christ.
- Burden pastors and churches to reach the children for Christ in their community through the After School Good News Club in the elementary school or Good News Club in their church.
- Provide the financial partners to help sustain each local CEF Chapter and their staff, so they can focus on the ministry to the children.
- Provide financial partners to sustain the Ministry Coordinator in the CEF Little Kanawha Valley Chapter.
- Help the teachers taking Teaching Children Effectively 1 training course, every Monday evening through November 29, in the CEF North Central Chapter.
- Bless in a powerful way the CEF WV Prayer & Fellowship Summit, October 1-3, CEF Greater Huntington Chapter.
- Lead in the transition of John Camp, CEF New River Area Chapter Director to CEF WV State Director in 2022.
- Call His choice person to be the next CEF local Director for the New River Area, Little Kanawha Valley and North Central Chapters in WV and provide full monthly financial support.
- Give great wisdom to the CEF WV State Board in looking for and choosing a new State Treasurer.
- Give wisdom and understanding to the Boekells as to the next step after stepping down from State Director in 2023.