Sunflower field


We are headed into the sixth month of 2022. Wow! How time flies! Yet, to God be the Glory for what He has done! The After School Good New Club®, Good News Club® and After School Monthly Bible Club ministry have been able to meet and reach 3,108 boys and girls for Christ with 276 making professions of faith.
We have heard some testimonies of children saying to their club workers, “We don’t want the Good News Club to end.” 
Now CEF is gearing up for their summer program of 5-Day Club®. First, there will be Christian Youth in Action® training. This training prepares teenagers and college young people to go and teach in these 5-Day Clubs. They will reach children in Daycare Centers, Community Buildings, Apartment Complexes, Churches and homes. They will share the message of salvation with the children and give them an opportunity to receive Christ for salvation, as well as give Biblical instruction to the saved child on how to grow in Christ.
You are vital part of this ministry of CEF through your faithful financial gift. Thank you for your help!
Your Missionaries to the Unreached Children in WV
Harry and Lydia Boekell