Ask God to lead in 2021

2021 has begun. What does God have planned for this year? We ask God for His leadership and plan. He is in this year because He is infinite and eternal. He knows what this year will hold, for He is all-knowing. So, we ask and He will direct. It is hard to take self out of the equation, fully trusting His direction and leadership; being willing to follow Him and change my plans when necessary. By faith we ask and then plan.

Thank you all for partnering with us in prayer. In preparation for teaching the subject, Prayer and Little Kids, for the Teaching Little Kids Training Course, this quote on Prayer was discovered: “It is the incredible wisdom of God to ordain prayer to be the most powerful weapon of the church. If He had chosen anything else – like preaching, singing, money, or education – many of us could never participate in fighting the war. But prayer does not require any talent and can be done anywhere, anytime, by anyone…If the Lord has spoken to you today, please respond by doing just one thing: PRAY!” (from Reflecting His Image by K. P. Yohannan).

Each of you are valued by us for your participation in prayer for the children of WV, the local CEF Directors and Staff, the local CEF Committee members and State Board members, the local pastors and churches that partner with CEF and the many volunteers who serve in CEF ministries throughout our state. Thank you so very much!


Praise God for:

  • Bringing four teachers to take the Teaching Little Kids Training.
  • John, Nathan & Harry instructing this course.
  • Lydia, who kept all well fed during the course.
  • The virtual platform, available to children.
  • The Good News Club Adventures,, to register.
  • The children & families viewing these available platforms.
  • The children enrolling in Truth Chasers Bible Correspondence course.
  • The in-person Good News Club® meeting safely in homes and churches.
  • The local CEF Directors in WV: Jerome (local coordinator), John, Nathan, Randy, and Harry (acting local Director).
  • The local CEF Committee members & CEF of WV State Board members.
  • The faithful financial ministry partners for each local CEF Chapter & CEF of WV State office.


Ask God to:

  • Help the teachers who finished the Teaching Little Kids Training to put to practice what was learned.
  • Use the different virtual platforms to minister to children the gospel.
  • Minister to the family members as they listen in on the virtual platforms.
  • Lead children to complete their lessons for Truth Chasers and send them back in.
  • Allow After School Good News Clubs to resume.
  • Completely eradicate the Corona Virus.
  • Guide the local CEF Directors in WV and their staff to minister to the children effectively.
  • Supply key individuals or couples, called by Him, to serve on local CEF Committees & State Board in WV. 
  • Raise up additional financial ministry partners for each local CEF Chapter in WV & CEF of WV State office.
  • Grant wisdom to the CEF local Directors & staff, CEF committee & board members, and State Director to navigate the 2021 ministry year.
  • Lead and call His servant to be local CEF Director in Little Kanawha Valley & North Central Chapters and monthly finances to support them.
  • Help the Boekells as they serve as State Director & acting local Director in Little Kanawha Valley & North Central Chapters.
  • Help Harry Boekell as he mentors several individuals in CEF, preparing them for leadership positions.
  • Help Harry Boekell as he does a session for Committee Training via Zoom, January 23, 11 am EST & 1 pm.
  • Guide in the Instructor of Teachers Level 2 (IOT 2) Training, April 12-23, 2021.
  • Lead the ones He desires to be IOT 2 candidates to the training, April 12-23.
  • Guide the two LTI (Leadership Training Instructor) candidates, Deb and John in their preparation for this training.
  • Guide Kathy Horner and Harry Boekell, Leadership Training instructors for the IOT 2 Training and their preparation.