“How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”
Such was the case of a teacher in an After School Good News Club®. He had a hyperactive boy in his club; (Some of you teachers out there know what I’m talking about). Well, to help this boy the teacher involved him during the club. For example, he held visuals that were used during the teaching of the Bible lesson.
One day after the Bible lesson, where the Gospel message was presented, two girls in the club responded to the invitation to receive Christ for salvation. The teacher was pointing the girls to follow two club workers to a place to be counseled through God’s Word. The teacher turned to return to his position at the front of the class and ran into the boy. Immediately, the teacher told the boy to return to his place. But, one of the workers leading the two girls, said, “He wants to talk to you about receiving Jesus for salvation.”
The teacher and this boy sat down together, and he led him to Christ. The teacher asked if he could hug him after the boy had prayed. The boy’s nose was running, so he wiped it on his shirt sleeve and gave the teacher a big hug; “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”
Another Example
“Wow! All I can say is WOW! God always shows up! Some days the devil says, ‘just don’t do it, cancel Good News Club® today.' Lots of our volunteer team members could not be there today. Some were sick. Some had doctor appointments. Some had meetings.
"I had to teach, and I wasn’t prepared. So, I got on my knees at home, started looking at the lesson and said, 'Ok Lord, please take over.' We had eight helpers today and 55 kids in attendance. Four children came forward at the end of the club and invited Jesus into their hearts! Needless to say, I am floating on cloud 9! He does show up, and His promises are true! We learned that today! Glad we didn’t cancel.”
“How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”
As you read these two true stories, maybe God spoke to your heart. Maybe the Holy Spirit is nudging you to become involved in an After School Good News Club®or talk to your pastor about your church adopting the elementary school in your community and conduct an After School Good News Club®? We can help you and point you in the right direction. E-mail us or give us a call, 304.840.7015.