It is back to school time! Hard to believe that summer will soon turn to fall. But, great opportunities lie ahead as the After School Good News Club® ministry will start up again in West Virginia Elementary Schools around the state. What a vital ministry God has opened to CEF! Many local churches have organized teams to go into the schools and teach the children the Bible. They sing scripture-based songs, learn God’s Word through memorization, learn about missions and hear a Bible lesson, using colorful visuals.
The enemy is not happy! He does not want the children to hear about Jesus Christ and what He did to die on the cross for their sins and rise again the third day. He does not want the children to hear the clear message of salvation and be given an opportunity to place their trust in Him for salvation. Will you please pray for the children of West Virginia. Many have never heard the truths of the Gospel & been given an opportunity to receive Jesus for salvation.
Below are praises to give thanks to the Lord and prayer requests to bring before our God & Savior. Please take one or two a day or all of them and pray to God in behalf of the children. Thank you!
Yours because of Christ,
Harry & Lydia Boekell
Praise God for:
- The total children ministered to in ministry year Sept. 2017 – Aug. 2018, in WV: 7621
- The total children who prayed to receive Christ for salvation: 956
- The total number of people teaching in CEF throughout WV: 1052
- The new After School Good News Clubs preparing to start this school year, and the many volunteer club coordinators, teachers & workers willing to serve again this school year ministering to the children in the After School Good News Clubs throughout WV.
- The local churches willing to sponsor an After School Good News Club this school year.
- The many teenagers who served as Summer Missionaries this summer in WV, teaching 5-Day Clubs®, Vacation Bible Schools and Fair & Festival Events.
- The good local CEF Committee meeting in CEF North Central Chapter and plans coming together for their Fall Fundraising Banquet.
- The CEF Eastern Panhandle local Committee members going through the Blueprint Committee Training.
- Two local churches, Lewis Memorial Baptist and Fellowship Baptist, giving special financial gifts to help underwrite the expenses of the upcoming CEF of WV Board & Committee Conference.
Ask God to:
- Bring children to the After School Good News Clubs starting this fall in elementary schools in WV. Prepare their hearts to hear the message of salvation and then trust Christ for salvation.
- Teach the saved children who attend the After School Good News Club Biblical truths that will help them grow in Christ.
- Help each club teacher to study well and clearly teach the truths of His Word.
- Help the club coordinators as they organize permission slips, dismissal to the club, pick-up after club & schedule of activities.
- Guide more local churches to desire to minister to the children through After School Good News Clubs.
- Bless and provide through several local CEF Chapter’s Fund Raising Events in WV this fall.
- Raise up His choice servants, called of Him, to serve as local CEF Directors in CEF Little Kanawha Valley & CEF North Central Chapters and provide the financial funds to hire them.
- Call His choice servants, who are well respected in the community, gifted by God, to serve on the local CEF Committees in the six local CEF Chapters in WV.
- Help the local CEF Directors & current Committee members discern who are these people God is leading to serve on the local CEF Committees.
- Protect the local CEF Directors & State Director from the schemes of the devil.
- Raise up additional staff for each local CEF Chapter and funds to hire them, so more children will be ministered to the Good News of Jesus Christ.
- Guide Bill Elgin, Bible Speaker, Richard Summerford & Martha Wright, Workshop Leaders as they prepare to come and minister to the Board and Committee Members Conference, September 28 – 29, 2018.
- Give Richard Summerford His message for the CEF North Central Fall Fund Raising Banquet, September 27, 2018.
Ministry Schedule
August 18 –September 3 Boekell’s R & R
September 4 Teacher Training Class CEF Little Kanawha Valley Chapter
September 9 Blueprint Committee Training
September 13 Show Child Protection Video CEF Little Kanawha Valley
September 17 – 20 CEF of WV Staff Fun Retreat
September 20 CEF Committee Chairmen & Vice Chairmen Conference Call
September 27 CEF North Central Fall Fund Raising Banquet
September 28 & 29 CEF of WV Inc. Committee/Board Conference and 50th Anniversary Picnic